Online Learning in Higher Education!!!


India is one of largest education system in the world. It involves both primary and secondary education. As in the emerging era, online education has witnessed an enhanced acceptance over a period of few years. Many educators and learners have joined online platforms to enhance their skills in their portfolio. In future, numbers of peoples are expected to involve in the online platforms which increases the productivity of the learners.

As per the recent report, the market in online education in India is expected to witness a growth of eight times in next five year. Such high growth in online education market is the outcomes of the increased number of online education users from 1.57 million in 2016 to 9.5 million in 2021.

How E-Learning is useful in higher education?

As we know that, higher education scope is increasing day by day among learners. But most of the students are not able to get higher education due to the two most common key factors:-

·   Higher cost of the courses.
·   Geographical location of the class and physical appearance of the learners

This key factors put the learners in thought to get higher education? Are there any solution to overcome these challenges to the students? Yes, online education in emerging era has overcomes these challenges and provides the students to get through in online education without any hesitation. It provides you the access of the courses anywhere anytime and are not bound by a specific time or specific areas. Online courses are cost effective.

Benefits of online education in higher education

· Lower cost: - Most of the students can’t get through in higher education because of the higher cost. Online education helps the students to get the courses in lower cost through which they can get higher education in easy way.

· Enhances Student engagement: - Online education enhance the engagement of the students which also increases the productivity of the learners.

· Revenue: - Online education provides an alternative revenue stream for higher educational institutions. With the help of the online platform the institutions can enroll the number of students in their low cost courses. Higher the enrollment of the courses more the revenue are generated.

· Greater accessibility: - E-learning in higher education provides/offers students flexibility to learn the courses according their convenience. It also helps those learners who have difficulty in getting through center location.

Online education bridges the gap between the educators and learners which helps them to connect all round. This helps to learn at their own pace which helps to get more attention towards the course.